Tea Tree Essential Oil Benefits

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7 ways to use tea tree essential oil for clear, happy skin

Posted on March 20, 2024 Written by: 100% PURE®

If there was a multitasking award for skin care ingredients, tea tree oil would be on the shortlist of those worthy of the honor. With a stellar reputation for numerous skin-healing benefits, it’s no wonder this plant is one of nature’s best-known offerings.

Through cleansers, moisturizers, and masks, we can deliver the powerful benefits of tea tree oil right where our skin needs it most. Find out what makes this superstar such a good pick in the pursuit of clear skin!

What Is Tea Tree?

Tea tree essential oil comes from steaming the evergreen leaves of the iconic Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree (not to be confused with the tea plant that produces the warm beverages we love).

Steam distillation creates a pure, clean oil without being contaminated by chemicals in solvent extraction methods. This process also preserves its active ingredients such as terpinen 4-ol that make it such a potent anti-inflammatory.

It’s hard to miss tea tree oil’s potent yet earthly scent. With more than just an ability to prevent bug bites, this wonder plant can also soothe coughs and colds and has been the cure-all for killing bacterial conditions and other illnesses for centuries.

Traditionally, tea tree leaves were crushed and placed over skin infections. Soldiers even brought it onto battlefields with them as an antiseptic. Today, tea tree oil’s popularity has grown so much that you’re bound to find it in many topical medicines, household products, and skin care.

How Does Tea Tree Oil Work?

What gives tea tree oil its wealth of skin care powers? This mighty oil possesses naturally beneficial compounds that come to the aid of many skin care conditions.

One such compound, terpinen 4-ol, has effective anti-inflammatory properties and wound-healing abilities. The high concentration of this active compound also makes tea tree oil a natural antimicrobial remedy for treating bacterial and fungal skin conditions and preventing infections.

Thanks to tea tree oil’s potent yet woodsy fragrance, it’s a true staple in aromatherapy. Its fresh, herbal, and camphorous scent notes give your home a clean scent while acting as an air freshener and deodorizer.

How to Use Tea Tree Essential Oil

We know tea tree oil to be an all-star with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Unlike many other essential oils, this oil is also non-comedogenic and won’t clog pores. Check out some of the top uses of tea tree oil, and how you can use it.

#1. For acne
Bacteria plays a big role in acne flare-ups, and tea tree oil is great for treating breakouts and reducing redness, blotchy patches, and acne scarring. Tea tree’s anti-inflammatory properties make it great for soothing and healing skin that’s irritated or reddened by the sun, insect bites, or bacteria. It’s no wonder why we feature it as the main ingredient in our Tea Tree & Willow Clarifying Astringent

#2. For warts
Unfortunately, most skin warts seem to pop up out of nowhere. With its antiseptic and antiviral properties, using tea tree oil for warts makes sense–this is when a spot treatment comes in especially handy! Tea tree oil can treat wounds, and fight off infections and, according to some studies, may even activate white blood cells that fight the viral infections that cause warts.

#3: For scalp
As a naturally antifungal herb, tea tree may help treat fungal scalp conditions. Irritated skin caused by issues like dandruff, cradle cap, and lice can all be treated with tea tree oil.

#4. For itchy skin
Tea tree oil is a powerful natural alternative for relieving the discomfort of itchy skin. Its additional antimicrobial properties help it be effective against infections that might result from scratching, such as calming down irritated skin and alleviating itchy bug bites.

#5. For skin tags
Tag, you’re it! Let’s be honest, nobody likes skin tags. Though they’re painless, these fleshy growths tend to pop up in inconvenient areas like the armpits and around the neck. Skin tags are harmless, and can be effectively and naturally treated. A little dab of tea tree oil around the base of the tag can help cut off the blood supply, causing it to dry up and fall off.

#6: For athlete’s foot and nail health
Surprise: you can get athlete’s foot even if you haven’t been to a gym. It covers two separate infections: one that affects the skin on your feet (classic athlete’s foot) and another infection that affects your toenails (called mycotic nails).

Tea tree oil can kill many types of bacteria and fungal infections, meaning it’s effective against athlete’s foot. With its antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree can soothe itching, scaling, and burning associated with athlete’s foot.

#7: For body odor
Fun fact: sweat doesn’t actually smell. That pungent odor after a steamy sweat-a-thon is thanks to bacteria on your skin, and tea tree’s antibacterial powers are ideal for neutralizing unpleasant odors. Try a tea tree deodorant to keep your underarms smelling fresh!

Tea tree oil smells great and offers many antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory health benefits. Now that we’ve uncovered the many tea tree oil benefits for skin, you can wield this clean ingredient in your beauty routine, for anything from acne to eczema!


How Can Tea Tree Oil Be Used to Treat Acne?

Tea tree oil can be used to treat acne by applying it directly to the affected area. Its antibacterial properties help to combat the bacteria that can cause acne lesions. It can also help to reduce the severity and frequency of acne breakouts. For application, dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil (like jojoba or sweet almond oil) to minimize potential skin irritation. Typically, a concentration of 5% tea tree oil in a solution is recommended for acne treatment.

Is Tea Tree Oil Effective for Oily Skin Management?

Yes, tea tree oil can be effective for managing oily skin. Its antiseptic properties can help to control excess sebum production on the skin, reducing oiliness. Additionally, it can help to unclog pores and prevent the formation of acne, which is often more common in oily skin types. Using products formulated with tea tree oil or diluting the oil for direct application can be beneficial.

How Does Tea Tree Oil Combat Skin Inflammation?

Tea tree oil contains compounds like terpinen-4-ol that have anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help to soothe and reduce inflammation in the skin, making it beneficial for conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Its ability to reduce swelling and redness can also relieve irritation and discomfort associated with these skin conditions.

Can Tea Tree Oil Help Reduce the Appearance of Scars?

While tea tree oil is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, there’s limited scientific evidence to support its effectiveness in reducing the appearance of scars. However, its ability to promote healing and reduce inflammation can be beneficial during the healing process, which might indirectly help minimize scarring. For scar treatment, it’s often recommended to use products specifically designed for scar reduction alongside general skin care practices.

How Often Can Tea Tree Essential Oil Be Applied for Skin Care?

Tea tree essential oil can be applied once or twice daily as part of a skincare routine, depending on your skin’s tolerance. It’s crucial to start with a low concentration and frequency to see how your skin reacts. If you experience irritation or dryness, reduce the frequency of application or concentration of the oil. Always dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil or use it in formulated skincare products to avoid skin irritation.

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